Martin and Esther: A Rotterdam Love Story

A Romantic Fairy Tale


After meeting each other they quickly realized that they were meant to be together: Esther, so angel-like and feminine, yet a strong personality (she is also a team leader at a big company) and Martin, a tall Viking (but also an IT expert and an accomplished photographer). An international marriage, and the baby that is to be born soon will have a mix of four cultures: Dutch, Indonesian, Estonian and Russian!

Martin and Esther truly are a romantic couple. They radiate love and care about each other – which you can see at every moment.

After the ceremony at Rotterdam City Hall the newlyweds stepped into a fancy old-timer car – a white Chevrolet from 1932 – and headed for a party at the “Oliphant” house, at the outskirt of Rotterdam. It is a beautiful historical mansion with castle-like towers and a lovely garden. On a warm Indian Summer afternoon it was a perfect place to be. Also for a romantic photo session! Here are some of the images from that beautiful day.

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Enjoy your family life, dear Esther and Martin!

I currently do not offer wedding photography but you are at the right place for a love shoot or engagement shoot or a fancy “trash the dress” reportage (that is post-wedding photo session with the wedding clothes at any locations). Find out more about my family and children photography and portrait sessions. I am based in Rotterdam region and am available for photo sessions across the Netherlands and Belgium.